Concerns after LLETZ procedure

Hi all,

I am getting a lot of conflicting advice whilst Googling my symptoms, so thought I'd try here to see if anyone was able to help.

I had my LLETZ treatment on 11th January, so 10 days ago. The procedure itself, was pretty uncomfortable but bearable. Further abnormal cells were found whilst the procedure was being carried out, which were biopsied so had a bit of a double whammy.

After the treatment, I felt really quite tender and the biospy area was also quite sore. All bearable enough to get on with things, although uncomfortable. I had the dreaded watery discharge as expected, but it was smellier than I anticpated....

On Friday (8 days post LLETZ), I started having a heavy black discharge - sorry it's gross!! The smell is also now even more overwhleming than before. I tried to call the hospital just to check if this was normal, but did not receive a call back.

Last night, I started to feel quite nauseous. This has run over to today. I'm also getting some twingy pain in my lower belly and have a bit of an achy back.

I'm not sure if these things are related to normal cramps / feeling run down or due to the recovery.

Please can anyone let me know if they have experienced the same thing?? I will try the hospital again tomorrow or my GP, but don't want to bother them if this is normal....

Thanks everyone!