Colposcopy after pregnancy

Hi everyone,

So I had a smear test whilst, unbeknownst to me at the time, in the early stages of pregnancy. This came back as HPV positive and severe high grade dyskaryosis. By the time my colposcopy arrived, I had realised that I was pregnant, so they were unable to take biopsies. I had a further colposcopy in December at 5 months pregnant.

My follow up has just arrived for three weeks time. I'm unsure as to what will happen at this apointment (I have rang and no-one can tell me). Will it just be the colposcopy again, or will I have biopsies taken? Will I have to have lletz treatemnt then and there (which I am terrified of by the way- I have a very severe needle phobia)? Do I definitely need treatment with severe high grade or is it possible that this could be something that just needs monitoring? I tried to discuss all this with the colposcopist in December, but she was really rude and unhelpful, which has left me even more terrified of having treatment,

I'm just wondering if anyone can shed any light for me or has been through a similar experience. Thanks guys :) 

Hi, I think it depends on what they see at colposcopy hun! I have mine tomorrow so I will let you know. Mine is also postpartum after finding high grade moderate changes