Cluster/mass seen on cervix during smear

Hi guys 
1st time poster here....

not even sure if this is the right place to post but here goes anyway 

So I’m 33 and was at my routine smear 4 weeks ago 
After it was done the nurse said she could see a cluster on my cervix and she wanted the doctor to have a look. 
The doctor had a look and has referred me to Gynae for a further look and a pelvic ultrasoundsje said she wants it done urgently. However as I’m in Ireland out health system is a bit of a joke at the minute. And the 2 week urgent list is backlogged and im Still waiting 

I was onto my gynae hospital and they told me they have triaged my letter as urgent by the consultant and want me seen as soon as they can but could be up to 6 weeks and they have prioritiesed me on the cancellation list

aftwr the smear I bled for a couple of days  but then got what I think may have been a period that i wasn’t  and in pain since I’ve mecer had pain from a smear before 

. I’m panicking so much about this. 
My last smear was in 2016 which had low grade changes and I got it repeated which was then clear again. 
anybody ever experience this or have this noticed during a smeaR

inwoypd have thought it would be colposcopy unit I was referred to but it wasn’t when I called the hospital they told me they wanted me straight in to see consultant 

ive been suffering a few months now with pain in my coccyx bone and lower back and was given anti inflammatory meds which done nothing I don’t know now if this is related  

Would love some advice please  

thanks for reading all 

P x

Hi EmiPoppy

I don’t really have any advice apart from try not to panic, I’m aware this is hard to do and the waiting is awful.

I had my first abnormal smear and was referred to colposcopy, there were 2 growths (approx 1-2cm) on my cervix which my consultant felt were nothing to worry about. The nurse who did my smear did not mention them or refer me however she must’ve been able to see them.

Unfortunately one of the growths came back with very early stage CC as well as high grade CGIN. I know this isn’t necessarily what you want to hear but I feel lucky that this has been caught early and can be treated for cure!

Good luck xxxx

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