CGIN with no margin after a LLETZ

Hi @kem393, sorry that you are going through all of this. It can be so incredibly worrying at the start, especially when you are waiting for results. I was quite shocked and worried when I was told it was CGIN that I had. But it is very treatable and by no means does it mean that you have or will develop cancer. I would reiterate exactly what Hop1 has said. Your letter from the hospital after having the LLETZ confirms that you have CIN3 and CGIN- but not cancer. The tissue they removed constituted a biopsy and was tested for this. It is standard practice for your case to be referred to the Multi Disciplinary Team - all CGIN cases are referred automatically. The advice of the nurse is probably spot on, you will most likely receive a further LLETZ under GA or else strict motoring. Considering your age they might not want to jump straight into a hysterectomy, they will only offer this if totally necessary. On saying that, I too prepared myself for that eventuality. The LLETZ treatment I received thankfully gave me clear margins and I will be checked again in 6 months time via a smear (called a test of cure). Many, many ladies require a second LLETZ and go on to get clear margins. So try to stay positive (as hard as that is!). The good thing about it being CGIN is that you will be closely monitored for the foreseeable future. Statistically speaking it is still very unlikely to develop into cancer, but if the worst case scenario unfolded, it would be picked up very quickly and dealt with by your doctors. Good luck with your next consultation and let us know how you get on x


Hi @kem393 i’m in a very similar situation to you (CGIN/CIN3 and no clear margins after first Lletz so they’ve booked me in for another one). The wait and not being able to ask questions of the doctor (because everything is conveyed by letters) makes it tough.

My 2nd Lletz appointment isn’t for another five weeks, which will mean it’ll be 9 weeks after the first one. Does anyone know if that’s to let you heal from the first one or just waiting times?

Lots of love to everyone going through this xx


Hi @Hope22 and ladies. Yes my team said they recommend waiting at least 5 weeks between LLETZ treatments to allow the cervix to heal. I too had CGIN, no clear margins after my first LLETZ. I just received my results from my second LLETZ and thankfully have clear margins, hoping you too will get the same. Still have HPV so I will be doing everything I can to try and boost my immunity. Have colposcopy appointment for 6 months time. Wishing you the best for your next treatment and here if you have any questions/ need any support.


@Tbcuz - Thank you so much for replying. That’s helpful to know and reassuring that it can work out second time round! I hope it’ll be the same for me X

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That’s brilliant news Tbcuz, such a relief for you!