Cervical ulcer

I was wondering if anyone can help. Since the birth of my twins august 2015 my period has been irregular bleeding 3 weeks plus very heavy then a week or 2 off then start all over agen. Ive had messed up bowel movements too n an itching sore pain up near my cervix so i tried to find the route of this pain and a few weeks back I found a lump on my cervix I saw the doctor who said it may b a cyst it look red and inflamed possibly infected she referred me to gynaecology I had my appointment yesterday and he sed because I had a smear April 2014 I didn’t need another smear as was normal so he wud just have a look. In the examination room the doctor had a look and his plan of action changed the minute he looked he took a smear test and injected my cervix to numb then took a biopsy of the lump he said it looks like an ulcer. I’m so scared it making me feel violently sick. My questions are do anyone no whether an ulcer means cancer? Every where I look about cervical ulcer always takes me to a page about cancer. Has anyone been in this same situation with an ulcer bein found and wot was the outcome? I’m just hoping someone can tell me something as I’m struggling to function right now.

I hope you got some answers and are ok.x