Cancer cells found

Had a colonoscopy Monday i thought I'd get a call to say my bowel had shrunk due to radiation but just had a call to say cancer cells found and my oncologist thinks it may be the cervical cancer and either surgery or more chemotherapy can't believe this in total shock

I’m so sorry to hear your news. This disease really sucks. I hope whatever treatment you decide on goes well for you. Thinking of you x

Hi Siom,

I am sorry to hear this. If it has spread to the bowel they will.probably offer you a PET scan to see if it has spread outside the pelvis. Hopefully it is contained and they can offer you surgery. Be prepared for it to be radical. There is loads of support available in.the advanced forum if you want to ask to join that.

Good luck, 

Karen x

Oh Siom. I am so sorry to hear this. You were such a strong support to me in my diagnosis and treatment. 

We finished treatment roughly the same time. 

I am so mad at this disease. Argh. What’s the next step for you? will they do a pet scan?

I am glad they are saying surgery or chemo can be options. 

Thinking of you. We are all heRe. Please contact me by personal message if you want to chat. 

Sending you big hugs 


Rosie xx

Oh Siom, it’s bloody rubbish isn’t it. Have they told you the next steps? I had a pet scan, another mri scan and biopsy’s taken. Waiting around not knowing really is the worst part. Like others have said there’s an operation you can have if it hasn’t left the pelvic area and there’s chemo if it has. Let us know how you get on xx

thanks guys I am having an MRI on monday morning and a PET scan the following week I will know more after the MRI I am just numb I will update my post when I know more I am hoping for the best and keeping positive

Hi Siom,

Plenty of scanning going on so that will help the picture. I know I mentioned it before but if you.move to the advanced forum it's,a much smaller group. Everyone in there has.either had the exenteration surgery or the chemo options so whatever the outcome of your scans there will be others to advise you on the next steps.Good luck tomorrow with MRI.

Karen x