Bleeding when using dilators

hi guys, Im just about 3 month after finishing treatment and when I’m using the dilators I bleed alittle is this normal and I’m still only using number 2 as number 3 I can only get half way IN sorry for tmi should I continue to try using size 3

My consultant said a little  blood normal n I neva  made size 3 fully as the plastic  so hard it  hurt even with plenty  of lubrication 

Hi Charmaine,

Seeing blood can be quite scary at first. It seems like after diagnosis and treatment it takes time for the brain to calm down and stop worrying about everything.

My nurse explained things very well when looking for concerns with the dilator:

We are using the dilator to stretch damaged skin and we are stopping it from doing what it is designed to do (shrink and make scar tissue) so it will bleed at times. If it continually gets worse or doesn't stop then that is something to be worried about and I should call. 

P.S I use coconut oil which has greatly helped as it keeps the skin nice and soft. Its messy but worth it.

Best of luck ❤

Hi lovely! 

I also bleed a little when I use my dialator, i have stuck to number 2 now for quite a while. Number 3 I can get in but it does hurt a little. 

I was told a little bleeding was perfectly normal as you are stretching the scar tissue! 

Good luck! 

I can’t actually use a dilator myself. It’s like a brick wall when I try. 

i need my boyf to do it. We use coconut oil as lubricant, didn’t like the one provided. Try the coco oil see if it helps  

I’m 5 weeks post treatment and hating dilator life