3c1 chemoradiation hearing loss

Being treated with 5 chemotherapy (cisplatin), 25 radiation, and 3 brachytherapy for stage 3c1 with lymph node involvement, currently ending my third week. 

I'm starting to lose my hearing from the chemotherapy. It was mentioned that something like 40-80% of people treated with this type have significant permanent hearing loss as a result, but I didn't think too much about it. Now, I am feeling my hearing start to slip, rapidly and dramatically. 

Has anyone else experienced this side effect? 

Hello fellow Canadian,


I didn’t have hearing loss, but I was developing tinnitus, which worried me quite a bit. It started after the first cycle and got progressively worse every week.  I think after my 3rd cycle, I discussed it with the medical oncologist and since I felt my hearing was important, she switched me to carboplatin from cisplatin. As much as I didn’t want to hear ringing forever, I also didn’t want to take any short cuts with my treatment, but the oncology nurse  explained that they were sister drugs - both platinum based - so would do the same thing as far as being a booster for the radiation. Maybe something to ask about prior to your next treatment?

I was also 3c with lymph node involvement (up to para aortic).  I was treated in Kelowna, BC.  I’m curious to know if your brachy is at the end or if it is scheduled throughout your chemorads.  Mine was nestled in amongst weeks 2, 3 and 4.

If you’ve finished your 3rd week, you should be half way there!  Best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

I'm starting brachytherapy this coming week, which is my 4th week of chemoradiation. They are nestled into and ending my treatment plan. 

Hearing from you sure makes me feel hopeful! I'm going to bring up the hearing loss Monday morning before my 4th round of chemo, we will see if there are options available to me as well. 

I'm Stage 3c1 too and already have tinnitus frmo a car accident last year, so very weary of the hearing effects of treatment as I don't want it to get any worse. 

Thanks Daisy33 for info on the alternative to cistaplatin, I'm going to be very vigilant about my hearing now over the next few weeks.

I'm in Australia and my 4 Brachy are at the end, all day procedures over 2 weeks.