Worried newbie

Hi everyone im new here im just so worried.

Firstly im 21 years old, 22 in 2 weeks. 2 children aged 2 and 4.

Today i went to a routine sexual health screening for stis... everytime ive been i always ask how does my cervix look? Every time "perfect" or "lovely and pink" but the last time i went they saw blood round it (wasnt on period) and today they said i have a very bad huge cervix erosion but that its normal and no further action.  Im not happy with this as ive read other people have been sent off for biopsies and everything! Ive had a swab taken for hpv high risk cancer types and ive booked myself in for a smear privately for this friday so my questions are:

Does anyone here have any experience with cervical erosion? If so can you tell me anything?

Should i be worried?

This will be my first smear. How long until results ?

Thanks so much xxx


Edited to say first smear