Surgery Fear

Hi Dee

I had my op on Thursday afternoon ,got home yesterday and am doing ok. I spent most of Thursday in a drug induced haze but I think that was the best place for me. Was on my feet Friday morning and home at lunchtime. I have paracetamol and ibuprofen which I’m managing with,they did give me dihydrocodeine which I took last night to help me get some sleep. They did it keyhole so mainly gas pain that’s bugging me, I took plenty peppermint tea. 

You will be absolutely fine, I was absolutely terrified. If it’s going to be keyhole take peppermint teabags or peppermint oil capsules. Some boiled sweets/mints for after, my mouth was so dry!

I’ll be thinking of you xxxx

Hi Lotty,

Great to hear from you, been thinking about you non stop since a Thursday.  Glad your op went well and hope you have a speedy recovery.  Trying to stay calm to keep my blood pressure at bay, it’s definitely anxiety driven and I’m sure they will also understand that.  Trying to keep all bugs etc away from me at the minute, feel a cold coming on but hopefully it dipped to turn to anything.  Want this op done and dusted now.  

Not sure what time my op is on Tuesday, all I know is I have to be there at 8am.  Hopefully I’m first.  

Keep in touch.  Thanks for the tips I appreciate it tongue-out.  Take it easy xxx

I’m sure it will be anxiety driven, hopefully it all goes ahead on Tuesday and you can start moving forward from the shit storm that this has been.

I’ll be thinking of you Tuesday xxxx