Supplements, online

Has anyone had any success taking supplements along with treatment ?

While waiting on staging I’ve been trying to find out more about how to help myself .

I keep hearing things about IV vit c and Cbd . But there’s so much information im finding it difficult to find out what’s right and what’s not xx

Hi Mel2

The more I read about supplements the more confused I seem to get.

I took my oncologists advice to take a multi vitamin, which hopefully helped to compensate for poor nutrient intake during the later stages of my chemo-radiotherapy treatment when I could only tolerate very few types of food. At one point I became underweight and the dietitian prescribed me with high calorie nutritional drinks.


I asked my chemo nurse about supplements as I used to take a few, vitamin C, D, cod liver oil etc. I’d stopped them all about a week before my treatment start date. She said vitamin C interferes with the chemo, so not to take those tablets and could only recommend vitamin D, as she said we’re all short of that!
I’d continue doing what you’re doing for now and pop it on your list of questions when you see your consultant. X

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