Post Colposcopy / biopsy question

Hi there,
Wondered if anyone had experienced similar and could give any answers?!

I had colposcopy on Friday just gone and 2 punch biopsies. Really lovely nurses and so much less traumatic than expected.
2 days after I am experiencing a kind of dull ache in my left groin area and am worrying that this isn’t normal?
I’m trying not to worry about every little twinge because the more I worry or give these things my head space it seems to get worse if that makes sense. Just wondering if this is Normal to have this pain. It’s not like I’m Doubled up or crying about it - just a discomfort I guess. Maybe I just need to monitor it.???

Low/moderate dysk 8th June 16

Colposcopy and 2 punch biopsies 24th June 2016

Awaiting results

it could just be healing. I would monitor it and if it gets significantly worse or you start showing any signs of infection, go and see your GP.  So far it sounds pretty much what you would expect to me though. xx

Hi,  I'm in the exact same boat as you ! low grade dyskaryosis and two punch biopsies taken  still waiting on results.

 I had my colposcopy about a week and a half ago and for about 5 days after I felt little twinges in that general area on and off.   I think it's just part of the healing but also I think it's caused by being hyper aware.  In such a short space of time you get your screening results through the post and you're in a chair legs 10 to 2 with a colposcopist before you know it.  In between that time your  life quietly seems to revolve around cin.  Up until 2 month ago I didnt even have a clue !

I get the same thing with the dentist,  as soon as I think theres something wrong with a tooth I'm convinced I feel pain and then once I have a check up and told everything's ok and I stopping obsessing over it in my mind the pain magically vanishes.  Funny how our bodies and minds work.


Hope you feel a bit better soon but of course if doesn't get any better or worse I'd let your GP know.  Here's to hoping we get those biopsy results soon xx

Hi ladies , new to this so bare with me ! I have recieved a call  work saying abnormal and hpv ! So I saw a colposcopy nurse today by chance at my endometriosis follow up and she saw my letter and said that if they havnt graded my abnormal results it's clear is this true ? And if so y would they scare u by ringing u and making a urgent colposcopy saying treatment is. Required? THank's ladies xxxx