My doctors are not sure if my lymph nodes have cancer cells in them . Should I remove my lymph nodes before I start Chemo and Radiation?

Thanks for the heads up I haven’t heard of this, looks like it’ll be a very interesting day. Quite a coincidence as I have a lymphoedema clinic appointment on that day, and I have a heap of compression stocking issues I need to discuss with my nurse! Maybe there will be a similar event another time.


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Hey @jazza
So interesting and helpful to have all these different perspectives and experiences . Thanks for sharing ur experience . Like i said I will be talking to another doc soon about the lymph node removal situation

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Hi Mona1

That’s what my surgeon implied about my lymphadenectomy ‘no big deal’. I think he meant that removing lymph nodes is surgically straightforward, which doesn’t take into account the impact on those patients who are unlucky enough to develop lymphoedema as a result. Having said that, cancer is a serious disease and of course the main focus of the oncologist is getting a cure, but us patients also need our concerns about side effects to be properly addressed.

Something you could ask your surgeon(s) is whether removal of just the sentinel pelvic lymph nodes is an option. Sentinel nodes are ‘first in line’ to accumulate cancer cells, and if they are negative then logically all the nodes in that area should be cancer free. The risk for lymphoedema is lower if just the sentinel nodes are removed.


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Hi lovely @Jazza unfortunately she said sentinel removal of lymph node is not an option in my case and she wants to remove all !
I already asked her .
I will be going for 2 more rounds of consultancy with 2 other surgeons
I will def keep u informed !

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Yes it is - Sorry I just assumed everyone was UK based on here! :flushed:


@gnasher … all good