Lymph node surgery advice needed

I have been diagnosed with stage 1 adenocarcinoma (not formally staged yet as my MDT is on Monday but he thinks 1a2 or 1b1) but the consultant has advised the very least il need is laprascopic surgery to check my lymph nodes and potentially Lletz again. Has anyone else had this?

Am i right in thinking its 3 holes in your stomach?

What can i expect pain/recovery wise?

How long can I expect to be in hospital?

I have an MRI and chest xray on Tuesday so ive also got to wait for those results too but he has already booked the surgery slot for the end of the month so i do at least have a date to prepare for i just dont know what im preparing for. I know il find out when i have my next appointment but because the MDT should of been last week and the slides went to the wrong place im starting to drive myself nuts a little so could just do with some other peoples experiences.

He has advised if there is any lymph node issues i might need radiation, im not going to worry about that one till I need to!


Thanks in advance x

Hi there, 

i was diagnosed with stage 1B1 invasive squamous cell carcinoma in November 2018. I got the all clear by New Year’s Eve 2018. 

Im fully recovered and all clear now. I had a cone biopsy and lymphadenectomy. They made 4 holes one in my belly button. I went into hospital on a standby appointment at 11am and I was home by 7pm. It took me around 2 months to fully recover. I had a very bad bleed around 14 days after surgery and was in hospital overnight. That was just the ‘scab’ falling off and a slight infection. I wasn’t warned about this so naturally assumed I was dying! 

The cone biopsy didn’t bother me too much apart from the bleed but the lymph gland removal in my stomach was very uncomfortable. They also gave my fragmin which is an injection you have to do yourself in your tummy to prevent blood clots. They sting like a b**ch and nobody tells you! 

The best advice I could give you is to get one of those triangle pillows to prop you more upright in bed as lying down flat is quite uncomfy! 


I wish you you all the best and a speedy recovery 

Chelsea xxxx

p.s my lymph glands were all clear and I didn’t need chemo or radiotherapy xxx

P.p.s. The pain is bearable with the painkillers they provide (dihydracodiene) xx

Thankyou so much! I am trying to arrange with work what cover il need and things like that and not having the answers right now is driving me nuts. (The practical side of me is taking over at the moment).

Not looking forward to injecting myself, i would ask my OH but im pretty sure he would faint! wink


Kathy xxx