LLETZ with general anaesthetic

Hi there,
Glad to hear everything went smoothly :slight_smile:
Its hard to say, I have not or are yet to experience the discharge to that you are referring to. No pain is a good thing id say, but if not sure and to ease your mind check with the hospital. :slight_smile: All the best x

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Im terrified of having my Lletz under general end of next week., but what’s making me even more anxious is that i’ve been getting sporadic leg, back and neck ache for a while (really since ive started assuming i have cancer) But i’m suoer worried ive had these symptoms for years and just ignored them. Any reassurance/advice would be appreciated right now

Don’t worry about the general, you go off to sleep for a bit and it’s over so fast. But get checked out with your GP it’s the only way to settle your mind, you’ll worry forever if you don’t.