Issues with ECC

Hello again,

I recently posted after having my third colposcopy two weeks ago. I was in a ton of pain this time compared to my last two biopsies and this had me worried it was something more serious.

The good news: it seems to be less serious now

The bad news: issue with the ECC

So apparently the reason I was so taken aback by the pain/not expecting it, was because this time she did an ECC. Both the other times I had never had this- and she didn't tell me she was doing it so I had no idea until I just received the pathology report. Anyway, my ectocervical biopsies came back low grade (woohoo) it seems after two rounds of biopsies of the CIN 3 it has regressed pretty well! However, it says the ECC showed 'hemorrhagic fragments of tissue', which I believe means it was inconclusive. After bleeding like crazy during the appointment and afterward I'm wondering if this is bad news...or if ECC always makes people bleed like this?

The doctor asked me to come in for an appointment at the beginning of January. I'm hoping it won't be to repeat the was pretty painful.

Has anyone had a similar experience with an endocervical result? or any information on ECC? The internet doesn't have much information on it compared to all the info you can find about CIN/punch biopsies.

Thank you so much. I appreciate all of you lovely ladies for helping me here for what has now been almost 12 months. 

Have you firgured our what it was? I’m young too 20 :(