Hysterectomy before children

Hello -

I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in situ this past November. I had a LEEP in December and was told I had clear margins. I'm 31 years old with no children and my doctor pretty much told me I needed to have a child now or go ahead with a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to have children right now so I scheduled my hysterectomy for this coming April, 4 days after I turn 32. Just wanted to know if anyone else had a similar story. I feel like the chapter of my life to having children is coming to a close and it's hard to mentally prepare for. It seems like all of the posts I've read are from women who have completed their family so it's hard to relate to them. 


Thanks so much for any advice. 




I don't have much advice, except I'm in the same position. I had an abnormal pap result with HSIL in December 2018. My colposcopy with a punch biospy was January 8th. I then had a LEEP on January 22nd and received my results on January 28th, 2019.

My diagnosis is adenocarcinoma in situ, plus CIN3 along the margins. They found CIN3 in all four quadrants of the LEEP biopsy, plus the margins were not clean, and there was "stromal invasion" in the 3-6 o'clock region, which my doctor classified as Stage 0 cervical cancer.

My first visit with my gynocology oncologist is on this Monday, Feb 11 2019. My next step is a conization/cone biopsy under general anesthesia, and then we go from there. 

Could you maybe seek a second opinion? It sounds like we have a similar diagnosis, except my margins on my LEEP were NOT clear. Have you already had a cone biopsy? If you would prefer not to have a hysterectomy, maybe a second opinion would present different options? Just wondering as my LEEP margins were not clear, but my currently treament plan will preserve my fertility.

I'm 35 and I do not have any kids yet. I recently went through a big break-up so I'm currently single, haven't even thought about dating again yet, and children are not in my near future. I have always wanted children very badly, so this is hard.  My doctor said that she would recommend a hysterectomy if I had already had children, but there are other options since I do still hope to get pregnant.

I'm in Boston, if that matters. I know a lot of people on this forum are from the UK. You're welcome to message me as well. I apologize if I'm overstepping my recommending a second opinion as well. 

I have a different diagnosis to you in that I have an actual tumour but I can relate to the no children thing. 

I’m having my hysterectomy on Thursday, I’m 29 and have no children. I’m not sure where you are based in the world but I was given the option to freeze my eggs which I declined. I thought going through IVF to harvest my eggs as well as having cancer to deal with would have been a bit much for me. Plus finding a surrogate would be expensive.

I’ve tried to think of it in a positive way. I may not be able to have my own children but adoption is an option and that in itself is an amazing thing to do. Just think that you will be giving a child who probably hasn’t had the best start in life a loving and stable home in the future. I know that it’s never going to be the same as having your own child but life throws some pretty rubbish things at you sometimes, and I’m trying to deal with it in the most positive way I can. 

I hope that you feel better about everything soon X

I’m 26 & when I was diagnosed I was offered to go a fertility centre to have my eggs frozen. Don’t be afraid to ask about your options and do what you feel is best for you x

Hi Court!

Thank you for your response! How did your appointment go with your gyn onc? I had the LEEP with my oncologist and she didn't really offer any other treatment plans other than the hysterectomy or extensive follow ups every 3-6 months but would have to be "scraped" at each visit. I'm in Nashville and my doc was highly referred to me so I guess I just put my trust in that she was giving me the best options but now I am thinking maybe I should get a second opinion before my surgery in April. 

Our stories are really similar, I'm also going through a huge breakup. It was much easier facing a hysterectomy with a boyfriend of 7 years who I knew would stand by my decision, than facing it alone and single. 

Feel free to message me as well! I didn't realize I had gotten any responses until I checked today so again, thank you for reaching out, your story is very comforting to me. 


Hi Alice!

Thank you so much for your reply. I am so sorry you're going through this as well. I agree with the surrogate thing, I briefly looked into it and it's just not an option for me either. I really appreciate your positive outlook and you taking the time to share your story. It takes a strong person to look at the positive when all you want to do is feel sorry for yourself. How did your surgery go? I hope you are recovering well and quickly! 

Thank you for your reply, Robyn! It is comforing to know there are other women facing similar circumstances. I wish the best for you! 

Hi I had total pelvic exentration as I'm 17 does anyoneknow about surgerical menopause?