HPV vaccine in news

Hello was just reading the news today about how HPV vaccine has helped cut down cervical cancer is great news and I am happy that my daughter can benefit from this and hopefully never have any issues with this horrible cancer.
But I can’t help to feel that they are forgetting about the ones that already have it and not much investigation is going on .
Also I was reading some of the comments online about HPV vaccine and some people were saying that just do pap test instead of the vaccine as if the test is going to cure the abnormal cells or the cancer. Is very frustrating and annoying. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Sorry but had to get this out of my system this morning after the news and this is the only place I believe people can understand me about this issue. By the way I took the vaccine after my Lletz treatment so I am 100 % in favour of the vaccine.

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I read this and came here for the same reason. It was very frustrating to be honest. I’ve had HPV for at least three years. I’ve gone back to every three year smears because my colposcopy just showed inflammation. I read the article and convinced I’m going to get cervical cancer now. Also convinced I’m at risk being put back on three year check ups. I was too old for the vaccine when they introduced it and no one could give me advice as to whether I should get the vaccine despite already having HPV. Anyone else in a similar position? I’m happy to get it but not if there’s no point

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I was also very sad to see this I’ve had both vaccines (before I had any sex age) and I still got hpv and abnormal cells. I feel so unlucky and sad.


Fantastic that young women who are vaccinated will no longer have to worry about cervical cancer.

I am 7 weeks post treatment for stage 2b, I have a 28 year old daughter who was vaccinated at school and her smears show she is hpv negative I take great comfort in knowing that she will not have to worry about this contracting this awful cancer.

Many young women have had hysterectomies denying them a family and many have lost their lives. The future for todays young women is much more positive without money going into research none of this would be possible.