Hpv- reinfection,reactivation or new infection?

Hello everyone,

I'm 53 and have had regular smears done since I was 25(all negative)I recently had post menopausal bleeding so was referred.I had a polyp removed and a smear done.Thought no more of it til results came through-smear negative but hpv positive(didn't know they'd tested me for this,my first one)I've been with my husband for 21 years and although I know hpv can be dormant for many years 21 years does seem a long time for it to 'pop up'.I'm now questioning:

How long have I had this active for,assuming not 21 years as smears all negative?

Have I had this on and off by flare ups/ reactivation many times?

Has my husband had a flare up & reinfected / infected me for first time?

Are we reinfecting each other?

Do I have a new infection,this would seem most likely if I had a new partner but I haven't?

I've had no sexual contact with anyone else during our marriage & to my knowledge neither has my husband.Due to work & tiredness we've actually only had sex twice in the last 2 years & don't feel much like it now to be honest!I know these questions are almost impossible to answer,but would be interested to know if other people are in this situation-very long term relationship,no previous history etc then hpv positive.Many thanks for reading.

Hi Kaylee

I'm 51, and after a series of strange things happening, did a home HPV which was high risk positive.

I'm sure you'll have googled, but HPV is SOOO common.  It's only really more concerning as far as I can see, when it's of the high risk type  

Do have a look at the HPV section on this site, it's really rather good at filling in all those gaps that our age (hate that term) might not be so familiar with.  I only became aware of HPV at the start of the vaccination thing in schools....

I tested positive for high risk HPV after years of normal smears.  I've been with my partner for just over 20 years too, and no dallying on either side.  

Thanks to other half's work medical insurance, today I had complete ultra sound overhall (all negative), and the private GP is staring again with a 'proper' HPV test, smear etc.  

I suspect that if this tests high risk positive again, it'll be colopscopy time.