Abnormal smear and coil Qs

Just after a little advice.

Feb 2017 I had my first smear which was abnormal (borderline) and HPV positive. Had a coloscopy April 2017 and it was all good there.

A year later I got a letter to invite me for a smear. I was confused so rang the GP who said ignore, it's every 3 years. I continued to get the letters every 6 months or so but booked when I was due again - March 2020.

Again, another abnormal result with borderline changes and HPV is still there.

My first couple of questions are... should I have had another smear after a year? After reading posts on here I'm starting to think I should have had one?

And should the HPV still be there after 3 years?? I know it can lie dormant but it was active 3 years ago (nurse said this could have been down to breastfeeding, which I'm not now).

Anywayy another couple of questions about the coil.

I've had weird symptoms for about a year (coil in 3 and a half) that I've just put down to the coil. The main one being more discharge. It's not smelly though, just more than usual and some days quite excessive. I also have a lot of cramps when I'm not on my period, lots of pelvic pain and shooting pains. All really low and mainly to my right side. I've actually done a few pregnancy tests to rule out ectopic because they're that bad sometimes. But then it's negative and I feel silly.

But now I'm scaring myself waiting for my colposcopy appointment to come through. Has anyone had the coil ad experienced similar symptoms?? I was in the middle of arranging to get it out before coronavirus hit us hard because I also get horrendous menstrual migraines, but I need it out under ultrasound because they can't find my strings. 

Sorry for the random thread of thoughts, but needed somewhere to get it out. I know it's probably nothing but the waiting is driving me crazy already!!