3 month check up and terrified

Hi guys, hope everyone is doing ok all things considered.  

i had hoped to be posting positive news today and at one point i thought i would as the consultant said i had a pretty much complete response to treatment.   He then hit me with the devestating news that he thinks i have secondary cancer to my lungs.  there are about 10 nodules of concern but i am at least being referred to a specialist to be sure so i have some hope still.

I'm desperate to believe they are benign, i know I wont know anything until i have further scans and a biopsy but i just wondered if anyone else had had this experience. i appreciate nodules are quite common and there are no earlier scans to compare it to but he was just so convinced!  I will be applying to the advanced forum as well but anything in the meantime would be useful.

Thank you ladies, 

Hi Zoltan,

I am so sorry to hear your news. You must feel devastated.

I had two nodules on a CT scan last September. I was pretty sure they would be mets as they hadn't existed on previous scans. However, in the follow-up CT in January they had gone!

So these nodules are not always sinister. and they can disappear  However, as there are ten of them and that is bound to make your oncologist very suspicious and they definitely need following up. I am glad you are joining the advanced as great support there and a wealth of knowledge about trials etc and there are some good bits of news flying about too. 

Good luck,

Karen x

Thank you Karen, im pleased to see you are still in the clear and that your nodules went away.

I appreciate its different for everyone but it helps to know that there are people who have had something showing that turned out to be nothing, it helps me believe for now its not all doom and gloom, i just wish there werent so many.  It seems so quick for it to be cancerous, but i guess it can happen.  My oncologist is good and will throw everything at it if needs be but I would also like to think he is a bit of a pessimist.    


hi Zoltan

I remember just after finishing my treatment I had X ray done on my chest and I had a shadow show up on my lung..I immediately panicked and thought the worse..had CT scan done and it turned out I just had a real severe chest infection..course of antibiotics and mine went ..I don't know if nodules are they same as shadows though...fingers crossed yours are nothing too xx

Thank you Louise, its never good to have an infection but its better than the alternative so I'm glad thats all it was for you :-)  I dont know the difference either but I'll take it, anything to stop me thinking the worst until I get a definitive answer.   Did you have any symptoms with the infection? 

Hi again

Yes I had had a bad chest but weeks before the X ray so I thought it had cleared up .. obviously it hadn't on the inside..our bodies are weird bloody things aren't they ..also I'd had a head to foot scan a few months before and my chest had been clear ..I still panicked though xx

I suppose if it’s new it would set you off.  I haven’t had any symptoms really so I think that was also why he was concerned.  Asthmas been playing up a bit but that’s all.  I think all these scans make you panic, I had a brain scan early on in treatment as I was having so many headaches.  That was all clear though.  

It's natural to panic at every little niggle after everything we have been through..don't think that ever goes away ..if your doctor is not that worried I would try to relax a little bit mmeasier said than done I know though xx

Hi lilypingu 


thank you I’m still determined to believe this isn’t happening, for now at least there’s still a chance :) x