Tested HPV18/45/51/59

oh i am actually from malaysia, though i’ve always wanted to visit london but didn’t have the chance haha that is why i appreciate having someone to talk to even though you’re so far away

i’m going to the gynae today and i’m starting to feel a little anxious again. had dreams about it and couldn’t seem to sleep well.

i wonder how long we’ll have to suffer through this kind of anxiety…

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Please let me know what the doctor adviced. My best friend is Malaysian too :pray::blush:

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oh that’s nice :blush:

yes, i’ll keep you updated then.
i’m guessing it’s almost bedtime in london, have a good night sleep <3

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hi just to try to help u feel better . i had abnormal cells in 2015 i were 33 turned out to be cin 1 and 2. had the lletz done . it dosnt hurt at all just a bit awkward lol id say simular to a smear . its quick . ive had clear smears ever since . i was the exact same as u panicked and googling .i actually spoke to my doctor at the time cause the letter they sent me got me really worried and she explained its not cancer it just could be in the future and its not guaranteed to turn into cancer and if it did it would be years . thats why its so important to have smears it a prevention to cancer.


Hi Charlene,

thanks for the encouragement. and also thanks for sharing your experience. Mind if i ask, what strain did you get? Was it a high risk HPV?

sometimes i wonder what it means when they say it’ll take years to turn to cancer, because it feels like it’s inevitable that it’ll turn to cancer.

hi i dont remember now but i did have hpv with abnormal cells. after i had the op i have no hpv present or abnormal cells . it dosnt mean they will change it means they could in the future. the doctor explained it to me like if you had a mole on your arm you could just keep a eye on it for any changes however you cant see in your cervix so they just get em out to be on the safe side . really dosnt mean they will it just means they could but if u can eliminate that risk to be sure then your going to do it . i hope your ok xx

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thanks for sharing. my doctor wanted to go for the wait and see approach for the time being since i’ve just been test positive. i missed out my smear last year so i don’t know how long i’ve been positive but my guess, the longest was 1 year, i have no idea too.

doctor told me to return next year for another test and i did a colposcopy last friday. i’m still waiting for my biopsy result which is daunting honestly.


How are u ?im in the same situation hope ur doing well

Hi Houda,

Hope you’re doing well. Did you have the same variants as me? I’m currently in the “wait and see” situation where i’ll be going back for another hpv test and colposcopy on aug/sept 2024.

in the mean time i’m just building my immune system, though i’m having a hard time handling my stress because i seem to keep having issues with my health and it’s making me anxious.

Have you done your colposcopy?

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Hi dear
Not yet for the colposcopy i will have another pap within 3 months and after one week the first dose of vaccine dont worry we will clear the hpv soon​:heart::heart::heart:
Im also very anxious and since my childhood suffering from health anxiety

Sorry for my english my second language is french

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Yes, don’t worry too much, i’m sure we can clear it and God will heal us, and don’t worry about the language too :blush:
Let me know if there are any updates after the colposcopy. God bless🙏🏻

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