Vain3 help

This is my first post but I’m a long time lurker


I’m very very worried right now


I’ve been undergoing treatment on and off for abnormal smear tests, lletz, and smear tests every 6 months.


A few weeks back I had to have a  coloscopy under GA as there was abnormal cells on the wall of my vagina and they needed to look at my cervix too


I’ve received a letter today which had no information apart from


“Your biopsies have shown vain2 and vain3


You will receive an appointment with your consultant within 2 weeks”


That’s it! 


So I’m freaking out! Silly me, I googled vain2&3 and there isn’t much info out there but I feel very lost, confused and understandably worried


So I’ve come to the place that seems to have the experts ?


What does it mean? Should I be worried? Or could it simply be more lletz treatment on the wall of the vagina like CIN?


Thank you 


Kiz x 




Hello Kiz

There is more information about VAIN on the Eve Appeal website. There are some ladies on here who also have experience of treatment for this and hopefully they will also get back to you with more information. You could also try contacting your hospital or GP for more information. Jo's helpline may also be able to help you. I seem to remember there was some information about vain on Jo"s information pages but I'm not sure if it tells you how it is treated. Hope you get more answers soon

A x