Update 10 years abnormal smears

Hi all,

I went for my colposcopy yesterday , was told at first another Leetz was going to be performed , but after the consultant looked through my records decided againts doing one (as ive already had 3 ) under local as she said it would be too painful . She has now booked me in to see the gyni surgeon next Tuesday to discuss my case as we talked about hysterectomy due to the length of time i have had abnormal smears . I will def need treatment which will either be leetz under general or a hysterectomy. She also told me my case went to a MDT meeting last year due to my smear been neg but hpv positive and after colposcopy last year i had cin1 . Im just hoping after Tuesday i will feel better its all a waiting game.

Hi Jackie,

Just sending a big hug in the hope that this nightmare is soon over for you.



Hi Tivoli thank you for your nice comment i hope so too and hopefully Tuesday i will have a better idea.

Thanks xx

Hi Jackie,

I'm glad that they are reviewing your situation and hope after Tuesday you'll have a better idea. As you've had 3 LLETZ/LEEP treatments already it would make sens if they look at hysterectomy now. For one thing, there can't be much cervix left. Hope you're doing ok.

The waiting is definitely one of the most stressful parts. I can definitely relate to your feelings of wanting this to be over. After 5 years I've had enough, my stress levels are sky high with the thought of my next colposcopy. I wish you all the best for Tuesday.

Take care xx