up-date children mentioned

just a little up date as i havent been on here for a while. i have finished my radio which was very tedious and tiring traveling

 there everyday for 6 1/2 weeks. not got the consultant till 20th nov and i must admit its constantly on my mind every hour of the day waiting and wandering 

whats next! kids are keeping me very busy which i'm grateful for or i would just mope about, ice skating is on the menu today! 


Well done so far. Fingers crossed for 20th, it'll be here before u know it.

Keep busy- enjoy urice skating!! Very adventurous xI

Well done Laura - you've done absolutely brilliantly. Xx

It's nice to hear your update Laura. Well done, you are doing great. Tess xxx


i was wondering about you the other week, thanks for updating us.  I'll be thinking of you.

