Telephone appointment 2 weeks after LLETZ?

Hi all,

I had my LLETZ procedure 15 days ago to treat CIN2 and was told to wait for results (4-6 weeks). To my surprise, I received a letter in the post today inviting me to a telephone appointment on Wednesday next week? There’s no information on what it’s about, so I’m panicking a bit!

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

I had a somewhat similar situation after my LEEP. I didn’t receive a letter but a phone call to set up an appointment in office with my gyno a week or so after mine. It was terrifying but it was only to inform me how the procedure went and that he did in do at get all the bad cells out and the procedure biopsy showed CIN2 just as my colpo biopsy showed!

Praying for positive results for you :slight_smile:

Hey Jackie, thanks for your reply. How are you doing?

Today was the day for the call! I had the most awful day worrying and I couldn’t focus in work at all. My heart was racing and I felt so sick and just wanted to cry……and then….they rang. They told me that this appointment was a mistake made by admin error!!

They don’t even have my results yet, so this phone appointment that they made for me was a complete mistake and just a waste of my time and completely drained me emotionally. I felt so wobbly after today but at least it’s not bad news, thank god.

The doctor apologised countless times and said this should never have happened. He confirmed that 4-6 weeks is the normal waiting time and that a phone call was not part of the normal process. He said that he would write a letter of apology and ring me as soon as he gets my results.

I’m relieved but also very annoyed that this caused me so much anxiety over the past few days.

Now feeling better that my results are probably fine and I can relax more now!


Oh my goodness! Well while I’m glad the phone appointment was a mistake I totally understand being upset about the mistake. That’s terrible, all that anxiety you experienced for no reason! I bet you’ll have your results soon and they’ll be great!!!

I’ve been doing good thank the Lord! I actually have a “test of cure” tomorrow. It’s only been 3 months since my LEEP, I know most women have them done at 6 months so I’m confused about coming in at the 3 month mark but I guess that’s just the way my gyno likes to do it? I don’t know, I’m nervous about it though and praying everything comes out alright with the results. Especially since I’ve read it takes 6-12 months typically for the body to rid itself of HPV after the procedure? I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens! I hope you’re doing alright and your results come soon! :slight_smile:

Hey Jackie, have you had your results yet? Hope everything goes ok. From reading several of your posts, I think your journey has been very different compared to what we experience in the UK and seems far more thorough, which is probably just down to your gyno.

I still have no results! Rang up today to ask about it because the doc said he would ring me personally as an apology as soon as they come through and that it normally takes 3 weeks but it’s been past that now!

I think it will be fine, I’m not as worried now that I know that phone appointment was a mistake

Hey! I just left the doctor actually! He said the site was 100% healed and looked great (so excited for that as I was worried, thank anxiety lol) and we did the Pap smear. It usually takes less than a week to get any results back here so I’ll know next week sometime what the results of that are.

He mentioned since we were doing the first smear so soon (3 months versus the standard 6) that it’s not uncommon for women to still show something on the smear as the body takes awhile longer usually to show negative for things. He’s just super thorough and likes to check it out at the 3 month mark, which I don’t mind at all. My anxiety is wild sometimes so I like knowing what’s going on sooner rather than later lol! I’m praying maybe my body has already done it’s thing and it’ll be amazing results and not show anything! But if it by chance does, I’ll be nervous but I know it will be okay :slight_smile:

We don’t even know one another but I am also SO relieved for you that the phone appt was a mistake! I know your results will be great :slight_smile: most women’s are honestly!

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