Symptoms and abnormal results

Hello, I'm hoping you can help. I visited my GP in February with abnormal bleeding and he advised me to go for a smear test. The results of the smear came back abnormal and the letter advised me to repeat the test in 6 months time unless I have any of the listed symptoms. I obviously had those symptoms initially so contacted the surgery who referred me to the gynaecologist. The gynaecologist referred me to colposcopy and this was done just yesterday. The doctor discovered an abnormal area which extended into the opening of my cervix and took 2 biopsies. She also done a repeat smear. She advises me that she'll be in touch with my results in due course. It was all a bit much to take in and it's only since leaving that I have some questions. 


Firstly, I was told from my GP that precancerous changes generally don't cause any symptoms. If this is the case then why am I experiencing symptoms if it's due to these abnormal cells? Can this happen occasionally?


Secondly, I've had symptoms since about 2012. Does that mean that these abnormalities have been there since then? The gynaecologist explained that many changes go away on their own so would this suggest that mines isn't going to clear up without treatment? I'm only 22 so I wasn't advised to go for a smear test when I initially had symptoms. 


Lastly, with the changes extending into the opening of the cervix (an area which the gynaecologist wasn't able to view) can this make treatment more complicated?



Sorry for the very ling winded message but any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated. 


Hope to hear from you soon :)


I'm not able to offer specific advice on your questions - but just wanted to suggest perhaps you could give the clinic a call and ask, maybe they would be able to answer the questions you have or get the doctor to give you a call back? I know how it is because it was after leaving my appointment that I had all the questions come into my head!
Best of luck and hope you can get some answers soon xXx

Aug 2013 - turned 25, clear smear result
Jan 2015 - smear taken as part of routine 'full body' health check-up - results show HPV 16 high risk, and CIN 1 confirmed
Jan 2015 - colposcopy, CIN 2 confirmed, biopsy taken - results inconclusive, return in 6 months for another colposcopy
July 2015 - 6 mth repeat colposcopy - abnormal cells seen, biopsy taken, and smear
July 2015 - smear results show HPV 16 moderate changes, biopsy result inconclusive (again) - lletz carried out. 
July 2015 - Lletz results showed CIN 1, removed with clear margins. Check-up smear in 6 months.