Stage 2 downgraded to stage 1a1

Hi all,

I was diagnosed in November with minimum stage 2. They have done my Pet scan and Mri and both scans did show that this is a local problem, no spreads. Because of the suspected stage they have decided to do radical histerectomy with removal of lymph nodes. They kept my ovaries only.

After histopatology results- they have downgraded me to 1a1! I am clear now and my smear test is booked mid- August.

Did anyone was downgraded from the first diagnosis( biopsies)? Did you change your diet at all after diagnosis?

Wow thats good news but how did they get it so wrong? 1a1 i believe is under 3mm so tiny. I was diagnosed 1a1 from the beginning so treated with lletz and cone biopsy. I did change my diet and just make more of an effort with healthy lifestyle in general. I also stopped smoking and stopped taking hormonal contraception and just try to live as naturally as possible. 

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Hi! This can be easy! On the background of severe inflammation. Inflammatory infiltrates can be seen on MRI as an invasion of the parametrium or a transition to the vagina.

yup thats what happened to me.. both mri and pet scan result keep saying I may have cancer left deeper in the cervix. I had cone biopsy last Dec 10 they found 1.0mm  squamous carcinoma  no spread!!  I was referred to oncologist. Witht he mri and pet scan result  my oncologist decided to do a radical trachelectomy  removal of my whole cervix. When pathology came back my cervix was clean it was only chronic inflammation ;(  I was sad at the beginning because my cervix was removed and there's  nothing wrong with it but at the end of the day im still grateful it could've been worst. atleast I could still get get pregnant  he put a cerclage already im cancer free!!  but true they cant really tell if its inflammation or cancer with the scan but to be 100% sure surgery is the only option!! 

Interesting research was conducted by the Chinese. They showed that after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the stage can decrease.

In Russian specialized medical sites, there was data that clinically determined stage III (we are talking about breast cancer, colorectal cancer), after surgery, histology spoke of stage 1. And there was no neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

There were also studies among different countries that spoke about the dependence of lymphocytic infiltration and the prognosis of the course of cancer. For certain types of t-lymphocytes, the authors reported a positive or pessimistic prognosis.

If you take neoadjuvant chemotherapy and subsequent surgery, then there is a lot of complicated things. Much depends on the clinician. Two clinicians can give one patient a stage 1B2, 2A1, or 2A2. The accuracy of MRI depends on the experience of the operator and the background diseases of the cervix or pelvic organs. The optimal pathological response may also not be an entirely accurate indicator. Since in the case of preoperative overdiagnosis, the histological response to neoadjuvant therapy may be false positive. Because the tumor itself could be significantly lower than it looked on the MRI before the start of chemotherapy. The vascularization that ultrasound sees is also a specific indicator of oncology. Only postoperative histology can show a more or less true situation with the scale of the tumor process.

Preoperative chemotherapy removes foci of necrosis, reduces inflammatory infiltration, slightly reduces the volume of the tumor, the depth of invasion in the stroma, passes into the vagina and spreads to the parametrium. Again, not a single doctor at a clinical examination will not say with 100% certainty that the lesion of the parametrium is caused by a tumor. They say that it is safe to say that this is the transition of the tumor to the parametrium at the 3rd stage, when the tumor infiltration reaches the walls of the pelvis and has characteristic signs. In Russia, at the Institute named after him. In order to avoid overdiagnosis of transitions to the parametrium and vaginal arches, Herzen was additionally injected with a contrast agent (not halidonium) directly into the vagina, but this was not included in routine practice in Russia.

A decrease in the stage after surgery is possible after chemotherapy and this will be considered a good prognosis or the cause of overdiagnosis was pronounced lymphocytic infiltration. As histologists say, after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the picture of the postoperative material can be distorted and the opinion of two specialists is necessary to obtain accurate results. In addition, specialists should fully study the postoperative material. Two specialists will look at what cancer foci are present in the postoperative material, it often happens that one histologist complements the report of the other. Thorough is always achievable. Often, the removed tissues are examined by a single histologist. And it's not like all the removed tissue. There are certain areas of the removed material that are examined by histologists: the transitional zone of the cervix (the depth of the invasion of the stroma is determined, the spread of the tumor deep into the cervical canal), the lymph nodes and the surgical edge of the resection are necessarily examined by a histologist.

In the literature, there is evidence that microinvasive carcinoma 1a1 8 years after surgical treatment was manifested by a tumor in the lungs. No doctor will say with 100% probability whether the patient will be cured. We can only wish the girls who are being treated for cervical cancer a lifetime of remission. Let the example of this woman be an achievable dream for most

We wish you all good health and a successful fight against this nasty disease!