Results... waiting over.

Hey ladies, 

Just wanted to say a big thanks to anyone who's posted and given me advice over the last month or so.

Met with a consultant today who confirmed stage 1a1, however on the good news side, theyre happy that the last round of LLETZ removed this showing clear margins.

Bit of a strange feeling for me, as on the one hand it was bad news, but also that it's sorted, for now. I didn't really ask many questions, but I feel like I should have... Just not entirely sure what I should have asked I guess. 

Anyway, just wanted to share. 

S x

Hi Sam - wow that must have been a real shock for you! But I'm pleased to hear your news that you are cancer free :)

I know what you mean about forgetting to ask questions, everything just goes out of your head doesn't it! Perhaps make a list of anything you think of over the next few days and give the colposcopy clinic or your consultants secritary a call? 

Do you know what kind of follow up you will have? Is it just another smear in 6 months now?

Best wishes X

Hi Clareel, 

Yeah, massive shock tbh, and like I say a strange one to get my head around.

I'm sure at some point I'll think of something to ask, but just now I just don't know what I need to know if that makes sense. 

The consultant advised it would be a smear and colposcopy again in 6 months, and biopsy if they spot anything else sinister. 

I hope your results come back good soon :) 

S x

The same thing happened to me. I was diagnosed after my LLeTz with stage 1a1 and told that they thought it had been removed in full during the LLETZ so it's a bit of a strange feeling - you find out it's gone before you've had time to process it being there in the first place! I had a cone after that to be on the safe side but that came back clear so they were right and it had already been removed. As it sinks in (it might take a whILe, I was diagnosed in July but only recently feel like I've got my head around it) you'll think of things you want to check/ask don't worry xxx