Recurrence or scar tissue at 6 month scan

I had an MRI last week and have found out there is a new area of concern which is 1.5cm :sweat_smile: which wasn’t on my last MRI in July when I was told I had a complete response. I now have to yet again wait for PET and biopsy, consultant said it could be scar tissue but he has to act on anything new. Obviously I am completely freaking out yet again. Has anyone else had this and it turned out to be scar tissue.???

Hi Jodz

I had an area of scar tissue which showed up on my mri after treatment. My oncologist was very serious when he told me it could be a reoccurrence and we discussed pelvic exteneration briefly.
After a endoscopy I was told it was all fine.
The waiting was terrible, as always.
It could be fine but if not, they can treat it. Try to stay calm. It will be ok.
Good luck.

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