Positive news

I had a call from the specialist nurse this afternoon. My MRI results came back as clear and my case was discussed at the MDT today. They have decided that a cold knife cone sometime in late Aug will *hopefully* be all I need before I can be given the all clear.

I know it's not really over until I get the results after the cone (well not even over as such but you know what I mean) but the relief is immense to know the MRI was ok and that hopefully it won't involve more major surgery

Hi Boop,

That's fantastic news, well done! Xxx

That is very good news. There's no easy path once you've had a CC diagnosis, it's always at the back of your mind I think, but your team will have evaluated your risk and your stage of life and it's great they can offer you this course of action.

Good luck with it all

Hey Boop,

That’s a great outcome! Good luck for the cone :slight_smile: xx

So pleased for you xxxx