New relationship question

Hi there

I was diagnosed with 1b1 in Oct 2016 so now 5 years since and seem to be fine. I had the radical trachelemtomy. Since then I did have pain during sex with my now ex partner and we adapted to this over time.
I am not currently in a relationship but as my ex partner and I were together for over 10 years he went through all this with me and I didn’t expect our relationship to end around 18 months ago.
Since the end of our relationship I have not dated or met with anyone new but I am starting to consider it. The major worry i have is that my ex was so understanding and kind about this whole thing I just feel like I can’t offer someone a good sex life as I am not who I was before and sex can be painful. I just don’t understand how I would even begin to tell this to someone new. Does anyone have any advice?
Thanks s

Hello. I don’t think you should worry too much about this, the more you worry the more pressure you are putting on yourself, I believe if you are with a person that you feel attracted to it will just flow, sex is not just about penetration there is so much more to it.

The same way your ex was understanding other men will also understand and adapt to your needs. And if they don’t well they are just not men they still little boys and definitely not worth it.
Take care and just enjoy meeting up and the dating fun of it without putting pressure on the sex part, men can be surprisingly understanding .

Aw that’s so nice of you - thank you

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