MRI - Children mentioned

Hello everyone, I hope your as well as you can be :)

Its just a quick question really, sorry if its a silly question..

I got diagnosed just over 2 months ago with stage 1A1 cc, also GCIN was present which was crushing as you all can imagine, after LLETZS procedures (twice) I was finally given the all clear friday Laughing as you can imagine im absoultely made up, these few weeks have just been one big blur!!

Any how, my consultant mentioned I should have an MRI just to be extra positive that everything is fine, he assured me he thinks it is! My question is why didnt I have an MRI scan before be =ing given the all clear, now Im a bag of nerves again thinking they will find the C word somewhere else, I feel so ill and scared all over this normal to be given an MRI AFTER being told there is no more cancer???

Also I have now been given the option of a hysterectomy, I was all for it at first, as I have a beautiful 6 year old Son, but now im thinking should I have it done, am I being selfish towards my family if I dont eliminate the risk of it coming back, I am so so confused at the moment, I just dont know whats happening with me (again)

Do MRIs pick up all cancers,im petrified I will be told they found it somewhere elase now (sorry if im being silly)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this

Jodie xxxx



Hi Jodie,

It sounds like the cancer (the tumour) was removed via the LLETZ - so the origincal cancer they diagnosed is removed. They'll do an MRI to look at the area around the cancer, and your lymph nodes to check nothing there looks dodgy, as yout cancer/tumour was at a very early stage (based on its size), the liklihood is that the lymph nodes and other bits will not be afrected - but your doctor is right to make sure.


As for having a hysterectomy.... yes that would give you peace of mind that the cancer can't come back - but are you sure you don't want any other children? Also, if you have a hysterectomy, you'd go through the menopause and all that that entails - it's not a simply choice and you are not being selfish!

I hope that helps put your mind at ease... they took your cancer out, now they're checking it didnt' get anywhere else - but it's unlikely it will. Shame your doctor didnt' seem to explain it very well.

I hope you get a good result.


An MRI after treatment is not unusual. It will reassure you that you are properly clear of cancer. I can't help with the preventative hysterectomy dilemma. I had a full one and didn't find it too bad but everyone is different. Hope this helps x

Thank you for your replies, I didnt see them until today sorry I was not being ignorant! Im such a bag of nerves. The waiting is horrendous. Thank you for you reassurance, it means so much xxx