Moral decency

Hi, I just finished treatment for cc2b which has sent me into eary menopause. I had my first sppointment today at a hrt clinic. All I can say is What a waste of time. When the doctor asked me my symptoms and I explained each of them to her. Her replies where there is people worst off than me. “Sick it up and get on with it”. I was lead to believe that this appointment would be beneficial in making sure I was on the right hrt medication etc, when actually it was just another test of my strength against the heartache of cancer. I have decided to stop taking the hrt tablets altogether as I don’t think the doctors even know what they are supposed to be doing nor do they care. I am beginning to think that my poor daddy was the last decent moral person left in this world.

Hi siobhan

Im sorry to hear that you have had an awful experience. I was just wondering what your system were and how long have you been taking hrt? I'm a month from finishing my treatment stage 2b and I'm not sure if I should take any hrt. I am having night sweats but my moods seem to be normal. I have achy joints all the time but I'm not sure if that's from treatment. I'm kind of lost on this. I've been reading a bit here and there but I'm not sure what to do. Why have you decided to stop? Are they not helping or are you just going to go through it? Sorry to bother you I just kind of want some opinions. I'm turning 40 soon but don't want to worry about bones or heart disease.  But I also don't want to risk getting another cancer or have this one come back. ahhhh its all so confusing. 

Hi Siobhan,

What an awful experience. Compassion fatigue or what! There is just no excuse for Drs or any other health care professionals to treat patients with such thoughtlessness. I'm really sorry you had this. as if it's not bad enough to go through the cancer treatment, but then to be catapulted into an early menopause and receive this treatment. I was post menopause when I had the cancer but symptoms I experienced were hot flashes or flushes, very achy hips Qin particular and dreadful night sweats which affected my sleep a lot. I decided not to do the HRT route,  it its a very personal decision. See how you get on without it and reassess in a few months. Good luck with your recovery and take it easy.

I think we finish our treatment , HRT is mentioned and then in my experience that's it , left to deal with it . My consultant mentioned it and left it at that , no body has signposted me / advised me properly on taking HRT if I should  ect, the McMillan nurse said I need to look after my bones and not taking it increases the risk of osteoporosis . I did visit my GP she went through the side effects of HRT and in the end I decided not to take it because taking it slightly increases the risk of other cancers and I've already had cancer twice so I just dare not put myself at risk However small them risks are.

I'm 43 and went in to the menopause last year , hot sweats & joint pain but I'm just coping as best I can without the HRT it is a personal choice and agree it's all confusing do I take don't I take ?? And I do think in my experience there has been a lack of support in menopause advice By the professionals so far Im doing ok without HRT


Hello Siobhan Is it possible to see another Dr? One that is more sensitive. I just don't think you need this on top of coping with the CC. Sometimes I get really annoyed with the Drs especially if they are flippant. I ceased my hrt patches but now have arthritis so may go back if the lack of hormones is a contributing factor. I don't want to suffer. It's about quality of life. Sorry for your bad experience Jayne

Hi Ladies

I can completely relate to this. I finished treatment last week. My consultant said I need to make an appointment to see my GP and discuss HRT. She said I should start taking it straight away before the symptoms kick in. I've already had hot flushes but as far as im aware that's the only the symptom I've had and its not affecting me that badly at the minute. My pillow is wet through in the night yet but I'm not having trouble sleeping like some of you are.

I went to see my GP yesterday and he said he wasn't comfortable prescribing it to me because I am 27 and he hasn't much experience in prescribing HRT to women 'in my situation'. The fact he has no confidence makes me feel uneasy about taking it and I'm not sure what to do next
