Loop Biopsy

Hello All,

I had a loop biopsy following recieveing CIN3 results from my smear, my Loop biopsy was on Tuesday 17th March and I have missed a call from my doctors and my emergency contact has also missed a call.

My doctors is now closed until the morning and as you can imagine I am panicking.

I have tried calling the hospital where I had my Loop biopsy and they can't give me any information.

Has anyone else recieved results 2 weeks after a Loop biopsy?

Thanks in advance,



Hi Nicole, I can only comment on mine but I had my loop on the 16th  following cin3 results from smear and have recieved a letter today from the hospital 2 weeks and 2 days ... (i have posted about this as I am confused too) I understand you are anxious and paniking as I would be too but be strong till morning and you will know soon enough it maybe just a follow up call as I would imagine anything more serious they would have tried you more than once !!! sorry not much help... take care and keep us posted xxx Nicola xxx

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Hi Nicole,




I hope you managed to get some sleep last night. Have you manager to contact your Doctor this morning? Hope all is ok xx