Letter following Colposcopy

I had a colposcopy 2 weeks ago and recieved a letter on thursday from my hospital that was obviously just a copy to my doctor saying that i had biopsies taken and waiting for results. The bit that has concerened me is there is a list of the questions and answers the doctor asked me at my colposcopy appointment i.e past pregnancies, do i smoke etc, however it also says History of abnormaly smears: No ... this question wasnt asked to me at my appointment and the awnser is actually yes as i have had 3 out of 5 abnormal smears. Will this wrong information affect the doctors decision on treatment? and should i phone to correct the information? im really puzzeled at why they didnt ask me and wrote the wrong answer down?
if anyone has had a similar experiance of any advice on this it would be great to hear from you, thank you

Yes they definitely need to know this as your results may conflict each other which means they should treat you. I think you should definitely ring the clinic and explain the letter you've had and ask them why the questions states answers you did not answer! My doctor said to me at my colposcopy appointment "so your here because you've had your first smear and it came back abnormal" Ermm no... I'm here because iv just had my 4th smear in the last 18months that has came bk abnormal! (Bar one) point is I had to tell him my previous smear results. He just thought coz I was 26 it must have been my first. Seems as if they only take into consideration the result on the referral. Definitely ring them tomorrow, if your results come back CIN 2 or higher then obviously they will treat you, if its CIN and they decide to "watch and wait" tell them you want it in writing confirming the consultant who made the decision to watch and wait has made that decision on the knowledge of your complete smear history! Good luck let us know what they say xxx

Thank you very much for your reply, i will phone them tomorrow and find out why they wrote this and make sure the information is changed

No problem xxx

Hi I'm new to this site,  I have had lletz for cin 3 two weeks ago now. I'm panicking about the results and I can't sleep. Also I have had constant period pain ever since. Has anyone else had lletz and pain after? 

Hey, I didn't really get any pain after to be honest, I was lucky in that respect. I think if you are cramping quite bad it can be a sign of infection so maybe worth giving your gp a ring and asking them, they may give you antibiotics just to be on the safe side. As for worrying about the results I think that's the worst bit of it all. Iv found I'm different just lately, I'm moody, snappy, and fed up. Seem to be pushing everyone away, iv ended my 10 year relationship for good too. So I know what you mean, iv not slept right for weeks. In my eyes tho iv let this all get the better of me, wish I handled it differently, maybe just not thought about it as much as I have done, either way we can't change anything. You will be ok soon and I really hope you are all ok xxxx

Hey, I didn't really get any pain after to be honest, I was lucky in that respect. I think if you are cramping quite bad it can be a sign of infection so maybe worth giving your gp a ring and asking them, they may give you antibiotics just to be on the safe side. As for worrying about the results I think that's the worst bit of it all. Iv found I'm different just lately, I'm moody, snappy, and fed up. Seem to be pushing everyone away, iv ended my 10 year relationship for good too. So I know what you mean, iv not slept right for weeks. In my eyes tho iv let this all get the better of me, wish I handled it differently, maybe just not thought about it as much as I have done, either way we can't change anything. You will be ok soon and I really hope you are all ok xxxx

Thanks gem gem it helps just knowing someone feels and panics like I do, my partner doesn't want to talk about it because he doesn't want me to worry. It's frustrating because I know he's being strong for me but sometimes I wish he would chat with me about it. I have only had a bit of bleeding the last few days and black bits coming put ( sorry if too much info) so I'm confused if it's my period or still the pain from the lletz. Hope your well xx 

It's ok, if you are due then it may be your period, I didn't bleed after mine, I had a period 4 days after tho which was fine, I had no black bits either but think I'm one of only a few that didn't get it, alot of women get it though, it's completely normal. I got my results today and my margins were clear so I'm so relieved it's all be removed, just a smear in 6 months now :) keep your head up and if you need to talk you know where we all are xxx


Oh congratulations make sure you have a glass of wine to celebrate!!! I hope I get the all clear too I still have two weeks to wait for lletz results. Good to hear a good story for once :) xxx