Healing time after LLETZ/ biopsies and ablation

Hi folks,

I had LLETZ, multiple biopsies, and ablation of cells under General Anaesthetic a week ago. The treatment included the cervix and the vaginal wall. I'm just wondering, what would be a rough estimate of when I should feel back to normal? I went back to work yesterday but ended up really crampy and sore. And am back off work today. Bleeding has all stopped etc just a bit of discharge now so I must b healing properly. Didn't expect to still be sore after a week. People at work seem to think I'll be sore for a good few weeks?!Has anyone else been off work longer than a week?

Hi Nemo,

After my biopsies I would get sore with the getting up and down from sitting to standing, as my cervix was rubbing. This lasted about 10 days onand off. I had LLETZ under GA yesterday and googled about scabs on the cervix - it seems some people notice a scab coming away at about 14 days. I guess that like a wound on any other part of the body it will need to heal - and if is rubbing and swollen then rest is the best optipn. This is just my view of course- I think the removal of tissues is quite a lot to recover from. It's hard as we can't see it!

I am interested in herbs and stuff so googled things that help healing after surgery too. Your body may be asking you to rest?

i think the info leaflets are not based pn the reality for all women!


Hi Nemo,

I think you'll find far more answers about recovery times from LLETZ in the colposcopy forum. In the treatment forum we tend to talk about hysterectomies, chemo and radiotherapies.

Be lucky :-)

Hi Tivoli,

i guess I just put it in the treatment forum because LLETZ and ablation are treatments? Not as drastic as the treatments you mention of course, but still treatments, none the less.

Hiya Mitch,

Thanks for responding. I got signed off til Monday. The doc reminded me about everything that was done down below and that I was way too optimistic in going back to work so soon. I'm pretty sure I'll be much better by then :) Hope ur doing ok as well :)

I'm not disputing that Nemo, I'm just letting you know where you will find the answers to your questions

Be lucky :-)