Emotional after radical hysterectomy

Hi ,

5 weeks ago I had a radical hysterectomy ( I kept my ovaries) . I’m struggling so bad with my emotions , i honestly feel depressed. These 5 weeks been such a struggle after op I was quite poorly and ended up in intensive care , after a week in hospital I came home for 4 days then ended back in hospital for another 10days with sepsis. My husband had the first 3 weeks off but obviously had to go back to work . Since him being at work iv had no help from family or friends , iv literally had to really struggle on with the kids and try and do as much as possible when I know I should of been resting. But I just can’t seem to stop crying all the time . Iv never been this tearful for this long . I hurt physically, mentally and emotionally.

since being diagnosed with cervical cancer iv honestly felt so alone and isolated, it’s like everyone runs from me as they don’t know what to say , my husband has literally been my rock , I just loaded him with so much physically I can’t bare to emotionally load him to

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Hi Kat

The last few weeks have been incredibly intense for you especially given your had post op complications. It’s very early days and your body has much healing to do, let alone your mind.

When I’d completed my treatment I reckoned if ‘I just got on with it’ I’d be up and running in no time - how wrong was I. I eventually realised there was a new norm that I needed to learn and adapt to and that took a lot more time than I could have imagined.

Be kind and patient with yourself; give yourself credit for how much you’ve come through in the past weeks. Do try and find time to rest; I know some things have to be done especially where children are concerned. But otherwise give yourself some slack on housework etc. Are there ways you can make things easier e.g. buying in more convenience food - some of it’s fairly healthy.

In terms of support from friends and family some are luckier than others. Cancer scares a lot of people; they find it hard to even think about it so run away or just don’t know what to do or say.

Are you aware of the 1 to 1 service that Jo’s offers? You can have up to 6 sessions of personal support. Google on ‘jostrust 1 to 1’

Best wishes and virtual hugs



Hi Kat,
How are you feeling now? You’ve been through such a lot.
I know a little of what you’re feeling as I had a radical trachelectomy with 6 lymph nodes removed. The first weeks were heard without any of the complications you’ve experienced and I then found the tiredness and not being able to do daily tasks myself as usual very frustrating and difficult.