Did your hysterectomy clear HPV

Hi, I was just wondering for the ladies that have had a hysterectomy did this clear your HPV? I know for some people the Lletz is enough although I’ve just retested myself with a Superdrug test and I’m still HPV positive. MI’ve also had it for possibly 20 years although it may have lay dormant. I’m 42 so I don’t know if that plays a factor in struggling to clear it. x

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My hysterectomy didn’t give me the all clear and I’m still having treatment 4 years on. Although the area with the abnormal cells is quite small now. And now it’s called VAIN 3 and not CIN.

The problem seems to be in the folds of the vaginal cuff where I guess they couldn’t quite remove everything plus I don’t think my body has ever fully cleared the virus. I now think of it as long HPV.

I was hopeful once it would eventually clear but feeling less optimistic these days. Thankfully it’s still not cancer but that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to deal with at times.


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Hi there, thanks for sharing as this was a question I was also wondering. I just had my hysterectomy in September.

Do you feel as though the outlook is better than before though? Has VAIN been easier to treat and watch? What has your treatment been? Thanks in advance.


For me it hasn’t been easier as I’ve pretty much had to have treatment every year which feels a bit hit and miss and has been incredibly stressful.

The most successful has been imiquimod rather than laser but only because it’s prevented it from returning for longer. If you look at my profile you’ll see I’ve written a few posts on this as info for others.

I’m at a stage where I may not be able to keep having that treatment, so further surgery may be necessary which is not something I particularly want to face.

It’s also important to note what’s happening to me is quite rare but there are a handful of women here experiencing similar.

Hopefully yours clears up.

Hi everyone
I just felt I need to say something to all of you having recurring hpv . human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted from a woman to man and vice versa . HPV can affect anybody who has sex with an infected person. This disease can easily spread through all kinds of sexual activities including anal, oral or vaginal sex or through other forms of close skin-to-skin contact during sex. HPV peaks in young women around age of sexual debut and declines in the late 20s and 30s. But women’s risk for HPV is not over yet: There is sometimes a second peak around the age of menopause. Men can’t get treated or tested for hpv , their bodies have to clear it . So I guess that’s the game of recurring hpv and we can’t blame our bodies for not clearing it , our partners are the carriers sorry to say but what else can explain this ? Sex partners who have been together tend to share HPV
My test of cure was clear a month ago and I have been given yearly appointment for smears . I am 37 and got my first shot of gardasil vaccine less than a week ago , I pray it helps🙏🏽.

Hello JaneG not sure if recurring HPV is just because our partners have it ,most people will actually clear the virus between 6 months to 2 years so no reason to believe our partners constantly have HPV. Unfortunately HPV on some people wakes up after being dormant it doesn’t mean you have a new infection is the one you already have coming back up Of course you can catch a new strain of HPV that is why is a fantastic idea to get the vaccine asap regardless of your age. My gynecologist recommended condoms to avoid to a certain level infection is definitely not 100 % but it does offer some level of protection. I am planning on using condoms forever . As it seems to help.
And men can get tested for HPV is just not free or easy to do and to find a place to do it, it just shows how women again take all the burden for something that is not just about women.

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Hi Hop1
Thanks for taking your time to read and reply to my message. I know sometimes I over think things like for instant when you say most people will clear the virus between 6 months to 2 years , what if at around that time let’s say a month or less before they clear the virus ( partner ) is when your body has just gotten rid of it ( hpv ) either by treatment or naturally and then pap Sex happens :woman_facepalming:t4:. Also you must have a good partner who is willing to use condom through out , mine has refused the thought of using the condoms . It’s just a roller coaster of emotions for me this days coz he will never even consider the hpv vaccine . So sorry for ranting but price we pay for being females I guess .