Cervical cancer treatment and cell changes. What is SCJ?

I posted a couple of days ago. Last afternoon I recieved a letter from the clinician after a Colposcopy (she sent a copy to me and my GP).

According to this letter she can’t access my SCJ (she said at the time she couldn’t access something but didn’t go into detail). She is going to recommend treatment but a few people need to decide together during a meeting whether it should go ahead or not (being childbearing age she said she needed to discuss my case to decide whether to go ahead or not).

What is SCJ? Anybody else had a person attending to you during your Colposcopy say something similar? What would the treatment involve?

Hi Cazz

SCJ is the squamo-columnar junction. This is the part of the cervix where the columnar/glandular cells change into squamous cells. It can also be called the Transformation Zone.

The reason they need to “access” this is because this is a very important part of the cervix, it is the place where most cell changes can start. They also need to ensure they have sampled this area so that they have a sample of columnar cells (glandular cells) as well as the squamous cells.

The Transformation zone location can vary in women, some have it higher up in the cervical canal which would make it more difficult to sample or see during colposcopy.

They don’t do treatment just because they can’t access this Transformation zone, they do treatment for abnormal cell changes in the squamous or glandular cells.

Your previous post mentions low grade changes and HPV, this would be the reason for them discussing treatment, as well they still need to try sample your Transformation zone, which could be achieved through treatment (usually Lletz).
I suggest you contact your GP or colposcopy clinic for them to explain your results and treatment options in more detail.

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