Can I have sex if I have Hpv16?

I have been recently diagnosed with hpv16 and lesions that from the biopsy resulted to of type CIN1, so low risk. I have not been given any other advise rather than repeating the smear test in one year hoping that my body will clear up the infection on its own and the lesions do not get worst. I have so many unanswered questions and I am not sure to whom ask those, but the most pressing one is: can I still have a sexual life or shall I simply forget about that until I get (whenever it will be!) a negative test result? I have just met this amazing guy but I do not want to put him at any risk. Also, is there a way to check if I have an oral infection too? Can I still kiss? thanks to anyone who will answer.


Some might say sadly, men are not at risk from High Risk HPV - which HPV variant 16 is. Your man may well already have HPV if he’s been sexually active, along with about 80% of the population, some statistics say. There are good information pages about HPV on the Jo’s Trust main pages, but having safe sex is not going make you worse or be a problem for a male partner. Don’t smoke, eat healthily and hopefully your body’s immune system will remove the virus. But in case it does not, make sure you attend your smear test in a year’s time and enjoy your relationship.


thank you very much for your reply! I am very concerned to put him at risk thou, as I read that condoms do not protect entirely. Ironically I am obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, I have always been. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat junk food and I practise regular sport…So I really hope that my immune system fights well…

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Hello I also have HPV 16 my gynecologist was 0 worried about my partner .she just said use condoms to protect me from keep getting in back. Take the vaccine Gardisil 9. Make him take it also. And definitely you can Kiss :kiss:. Take care. For great information about HPV follow. Dr Anita Mitra The Gynae Geek. She is fantastic with great advice about HPV and how to manage it.

