Black spot/ lesion seen on cervix

I was diagnosed with a 2cm Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in October after an ultrasound. They also diagnosed me with adenymyosis. I am 46 and originally went to the GP with small mid-cycle bleeding over the last year, but barely anything really - I put it down to stress.

The GP then referred me to see a gynaecologist but this referral was subsequently refused so the GP got me in 2 weeks ago to examine my cervix after which said she was going to refer me to the colposcopy clinic - which she hadn't mentioned previously. I asked her if my cervix looked normal, and she said yes. 

I decided to see a gyneacologist privately (my husband was misdiagnosed with lymphoma for 18 months, and only got the correct diagnois in May this year, when he went private, so I didn't want to wait), but when I read the GPs referral letter I was shocked to see that she had written that my cervix was very red and very friable with a black hard lesion felt. Even though at the time, the GP said it looked normal. This is clearly not normal and why she referred me to the colposcopy clinic.

Then another surprise, at the appointment with the gyneacologist this week, she couldn't actually see a hard black lesion and I asked her to double check and she was sure. She said I had cervical erosion - possibly due to hormonal imbalances, and thought the GP had seen some old blood (although nothing has come out since my examination), which looked black. She did a smear test and I have had the pelvic / vaginal ultrasound re-done to look at the ovarian cyst and all looks normal there, with a couple of nabothian cysts seen also. My last smear was July 2019 and came back HPV negative, although in all my googling, I could see that some cervical cancers aren't picked up by smear tests and you can still be negative and have abnormal cells so I'm still anxious about what this will bring up.

 I'm incredibly anxious that the consultant is not telling me what she could see. I was crying when I told her about my husband before my examination so I'm scared she didn't want me to be more worried - and like the GP, didn't tell me about this black area. I think I just need to talk to someone about it as I'm really scared it's cancer. Would she have referred me for a colposcopy, and not just done a smear test if she had seen sometime as definitive as a black lesion? Could it have been dried blood? I'd love some friendly advice. Thank you so much.

Hi Minnie

i wondered how you were doing after your experience? Really hope you are ok. I've had a smear this week where they also found a black spot and said my cervix appeared raw and am awaiting results and colposcopy so am extremely worried. Hope you don't mind me asking how you got on.

tninking if you xx

Hello ladies
Wondered if there was an update? I have had trouble between doctors and nurses telling me different things, red cervix etc... I hope you are well, and that it turned out to be nothing? xx

Same situation. I have a biopsy tomorrow. May I ask how your situation went? Thank you.