Anyone else with VAIN out there?

Hi all,

Just looking to see if anyone out there is being treated for VAIN?

I’m just about to start my third course of imiquimod treatment this week and I’m not very hopeful that it’s going to be any more successful than before :pensive:

The consultant keeps saying I might need further surgery if this doesn’t work, which is a pretty frightening thought as I’ve already had a hysterectomy and my cervix removed. They described it as ‘morbid’ which doesn’t help.

A friend also suggested asking if IV treatment was an option as her mum has had something similar for preventative bowel cancer.

Any similar experiences / advice appreciated.


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Hi lovely, sorry to hear this. Unfortunately I can’t help but wanted to let you know about the search function on this forum which may be useful to you. :sparkling_heart:

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Sorry that you have to go through treatment a 3rd time . Really hoping this time will work. Let me know how you get on and maybe search Vain on here maybe someones experienced from before can help you out. Take care

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Thanks both for replying.

I’ve searched for VAIN previously, but there are not many of us on here so it will most likely just find my own posts.

It was just in case anything new popped up.


What about asking the expert section on this site?maybe they can give you some answers. Take care and fingers crossed for your treatment this week :blush:

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Have you tried posting on The Eve Appeal forum as you may find other people on there with VAIN experience? They also have an Ask The Nurse service. I do hope you find some more support. It must feel very isolating.
Hope this helps
A x

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No I haven’t tried that forum.

Tbh I don’t always find forums easy, as it can be quite a stressful experience depending on how I’m feeling. I find I dip in and out when I’m due or going through the next treatment but then I have to put it away for a bit so I can get on with normal stuff.

But I will have a look as it would be good to find out about possible next options.

Thank you x

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Hello kontikitoo, hope you’re ok., I’m sending you a big hug of solidarity as I too have been diagnosed with VAIN1 and little bit of VAIN2. It’s a headf*** after already dealing with the cervical side of things.

My story: I’m a 41 year old woman with persistent high risk HPV. I had CIN3 abnormalities in 2019 which were treated with LLETZ, then was diagnosed with CC stage 1A1 (the earliest it could possibly be) which was treated with a cone biopsy, no radiotherapy etc, and I was pronounced cancer free.

The HPV continues to hang around in my system and periodically cause abnormalities, it’s been 3 years now, despite my being a healthy weight, eating/sleeping well, not smoking, exercising etc. I wasn’t too worried about it as any continuing abnomalities have been very mild, but suddenly I’ve been diagnosed with this VAIN1/2 on my vaginal wall, and advised to have surgery to cut it out. This is stressing me out because this is one part of my body that I would really like to remain intact thank you very much.

I haven’t had a hysterectomy but have had it suggested to me, and I have been considering it (I don’t want children), but I feel very down that even doing that wouldn’t free me from HPV. Can I ask why you needed/had the hysterectomy? But absolutely no worries if you’d rather not discuss details.

I’m taking high dose AHCC, plus other supplements like Reservatrol, Lysine, Circumin, plus eating loads of folate rich foods etc etc, and drinking gallons of green tea. I generally eat really well and have always exercised a lot. I’ve recently stepped this whole health/supplement regime up after this new VAIN development so I cannot yet know how well it has worked. I had the vaccine (Gardasil) at the end of 2019 with the following 2 injections in 2020 and that doesn’t seem to have helped me.

I’ve got another consultation and colposcopy in 3 weeks, so not going straight into surgery, the VAIN was treated with silver nitrate in my last colposcopy in Dec 2021 and my consultant thinks she removed about 30% of the area just doing the biopsy, so I/we want to check the status again first. Not expecting it to necessarily have fully dealt with it but would love to stave off surgery for 3 months to see if any of my other/new tactics work. Somehow I remain optimistic. I’ll have the surgery though if it feels too risky to leave it though. My renewed focus now is getting rid of the source problem, the f***ing virus.

I so, so, SO understand the anxiety, and also the dipping in and out of info/forums, I’ve only just joined this one despite 3 years of HPV, I’m not usually someone who wants to read/talk about it all in detail, but this VAIN thing has thrown me through a loop. Sending a lot of love to you.

I have not heard of Imiquimod before, my consultant has never mentioned it so I’ll be asking. Considering Papilocare once I know my next steps re surgery/non surgery. Have had escharotic treatment mentioned to my this week but there’s very little info on it, it seems to be only in the US and has very contrasting opinions/reviews…

Happy to chat about any of this xx


Kontikitoo, I just realised that you’ve posted quite a few times as you’ve been dealing with this for quite a while, so I caught up a bit and can see why you had the hysterectomy. It is so nuts how little VAIN is understood and I actually didn’t realised how rare it was. I feel like I haven’t been that worried the last 3 years, all the consultants etc just keep telling me I’m fine and technically I have been (I realise they’re not allowed to lie) but it’s lulled me into a false sense of security and this new plot twist of VAIN is like sorry, what??!! I mean, you don’t want to be worried but shocks are never fun. Anyway, I sympathise hugely and I’m a VAIN buddy out here. Hoping for positive news/developments for both of us. Have you done all the AHCC stuff and all that? xx

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Hey Rosalindclaire,

Sorry you’re going through this too…it’s definitely a headf@#k!

I think this is my 9th year of treatment now from CIN 3 to VAIN 3 and it hasn’t got any better!

In the early days when I hadn’t even heard of HPV I was told at the very first colp that I ‘might’ have cancer and ‘might’ need a hysterectomy (that was a shock) and now that’s just shifted to needing a partial vaginectomy (scary as f@#k) as there’s not much else to remove. I’m still very much coming to terms with this as an option and I’ve avoided thinking about it for the longest time.

You asked about my hysterectomy? It wasn’t a hard decision for me as I never wanted kids but none the less was still scary. In hindsight I wish I’d had it sooner as maybe it would have saved all the many treatments I’ve had since.

I’m currently having my third lot of imiquimod, which means going to the hospital twice a week to have a ridiculously tiny amount of cream applied to the top of my vagina. It’s not something you can do yourself!

Thankfully the team treating me are amazing which makes it a breeze compared to the worry!

On the plus side I’m generally healthy, happy and just getting on with things.

In terms of a hysterectomy, this can work for some women, so it’s worth considering.

For me it was relatively straightforward and a massive relief.

Full solidarity from me too and happy to share anything I can x

Good afternoon kontikitoo, thanks for your reply yesterday.

I just really sympathise with you having to deal with this for so long, I try to be optimisitic about getting rid of the VAIN/HPV but I am also coming to terms with the fact that I might not. As mentioned previously this new development/potential surgery came as a massive shock after my persistent HPV + mild abnormalities were massively played down (or so it felt to me), so now I feel like forewarned is forearmed, but also a slippery slope into Dr Google anxiety and stress (the thing that doesn’t help your immune system OF BLOODY COURSE) - so it’s a delicate balance. I think, as you say, outside of this you just have to get on and live your life and try and be as happy and healthy as poss.

I think I’m about at the same point as you were when you had your hysterectomy e.g. 3 years in. I feel very aware it may well not solve the problem. When they first mentioned to me a year ago I just burst into tears - I didn’t know I was so attached to every one of my internal organs but I hated the idea of it, it wasn’t about them being reproductive, I was 90% sure I didn’t want kids a that point! I think it just felt like a massive deal, and I still feel weird about it, but it’s amazing how your parameters move isn’t it?

I’m not really clear why they don’t just remove the cervix in such a situation, it seems standard to take the womb, uterus, tubes etc too. Is this just a kind of oh well we might as well and then you’re swerving other gynae cancers too? As I say I feel odd about having ‘extra’ organs removed. It’s on my next list of questions, it gets longer every visit!

With this potential vaginal excision surgery for VAIN2 I am asking to be told exactly what they are proposing to take out, like the size and depth and impact for the future. I just feel like I need more details about what’s being done to MY body. I was pretty shocked when I found out how little of my cervix is left after 1 x Lletz and a cone biopsy, basically there’s nothing much more to take so if I get CIN2 or 3 again it’s hysterectomy as the only option - i didn’t even know that til last month, no one ever told me! I’m realising I’ve really got to advocate for myself because even though nearly everyone I’ve come into contact with has been either lovely or very (seemingly) competent, I’m just another patient and if I want detailed info I’ve got to ask for it. I’m being seen at a London hospital and they are inevitably so busy. I do feel generally well looked after and they do make time for my questions and are always at the end of the phone, but when it’s all new you put yourself 100% in ‘the experts’’ hands no questions asked, and then after a while you’re like ok, actually I HAVE QUESTIONS.

Sending you a massive hug for the moments when you’re having to consider the partial vaginectomy - again it’s those parameters, they move with every development to places you didn’t think you’d have to and couldn’t previously comprehend, I can imagine it’s a continuing mindf***. But, you find a way to do it somehow. I don’t know a lot about it but I’m hoping that the people looking after you are giving you as much info and support as you need. Is it a situation that would involve any reconstruction? Because I’ve read elsewhere on this forum comments from ladies who have recovered very well indeed from that. But I don’t know if it applies in this situation/type of surgery. Feel free to ignore these questions if too much.

Saw a previous post asking for a separate VAIN topic to be set up, I’m with you on that and will be requesting it.

Did you try any of the supplement stuff (AHCC, DIM etc) to try and tackle the virus at source? I mean, I realise it sounds like nonsense but I’m still in a place where I’m willing to try anything in high doses. It feels hilarious to me that I have spent my whole life scoffing at the idea of taking extra vitamins etc and here I am, rattling with pills. I’m looking after my nutrition so well at the mo though that ironically, my hair/skin/nails are looking the best they ever have! So silver linings.

Sorry, bit of a ramble/rant here, I think I’ve just been holding a lot of this in for a long time, and it’s good to know we are not alone. Hope I don’t come off as being too flippant, I have dark humour sometimes. I’m sending you love and best wishes and whatever you decide or have to have done, you will get through it and there will be more light on the other side.



Hey a dark humour does you well on here, it certainly a coping mechanism!

I completely understand the worry about a hysterectomy, it’s a big decision whatever you’re situation. I had to decide whether to keep my ovaries or not but thankfully a friend with a more balanced view helped to do some research. I opted to keep mine as if I remember right it helps with your bones…that’s something right?

I don’t have a cervix anymore but something called a vaginal cuff (I had to Google that), essentially it’s like the knotted end of a balloon where they sealed me up…it’s where all my issues are too so I suspect it’s the bit that needs removing!

Can you believe I watched a video of a hysterectomy done by a robot just to understand what was going to be done?

I haven’t tried the alternatives you mentioned but I did look them up. I can’t say I go for the alternative options, I tend to favour science…but saying that I did drink some special goats milk drink last year in desperation after reading more about the gut biome.

I think sadly it’s just bad luck for me. I was and am pretty healthy for my age - the doctors have expressed surprise a few times as I have never smoked and I’m not overweight (except for the lockdown fat I gained). Last time I was in hospital the nurse joked I had the heart rate of an athlete…I guess what I’m saying is it doesn’t hurt to look after yourself but I’m not convinced by some of the alternatives.

By the way I’m not an athlete. I could never where lycra like that anymore.

I hope you’re having a good weekend x


I am going in next Friday to have laser treatment for VAIN and a LEEP (Lletz) at the same time. A medical twofer or BOGO, I guess.

Lots of information for the cervical treatments, but not a lot out there regarding the vaginal other than high-level summaries of treatment options. Even the doctor gave me lots of information regarding LEEP recovery and what to expect but kind of glossed over the laser treatment other than “it takes a few seconds”. Is it too dark that I all I hope for is a steady hand?!

Thank you for starting this thread.


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We absolutely hope for steady hands…and hopefully no one sneezes unexpectedly!

I’ve had laser a few times now and it’s always been ok. I hope yours goes ok.

I’ve had two weeks of the imiquimod so far and thankfully the team treating me are super gentle!


Just a quick update:

5/ 12 today of imiquimod and had my first bit of pain today which made me wince walking around the office, so hopefully that means it’s working!

One of the doctors treating me, also asked if I’d had the HPV vaccine (I haven’t). She suggested it might be worth a shot and suggested speaking to my consultant. I understand it’s not typically given at this stage but wondered if anyone else had had it following diagnosis?


I had my first shot in October, my gyno recommends it even after diagnosis. Apparently it’s never too late (I am 50)!


Yes it was recommended by my gynecologist had first dose shortly after Lletz 2 dose in the summer and 3rd days after my 6 months check up. She said it helps wake up inmune system and also protects from other types of HPV that you don’t have so I would definitely get it done I am 43. She also said that up to her she will make it free for all ladies with abnormal cells or cervical cancer, regardless of age.


That’s really good to know!

I looked on the Boots website and they offer it for about £500!

Plus at 47 I’m outside of their ‘upto 44’ age limit!


Could the doctor that suggested getting the vaccine maybe give you a prescription for the vaccine? If not just a little lie about your age in Boots or superdrug Could work :wink:

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I’m sure I could do it through my consultant at the hospital.

I was just curious what the options were if you wanted to get it yourself.