Advice on treatment for CIN 2

Hi, just looking for some advice if possible.

I found out today I have CIN 2. Im 23 years old. My results have been sent to an MDT meeting. If they decide I need treatment, am I able to request this under general anaesthetic?

Im very anxious as it is and found my biopsies really painful. So I think of I couldn't request GA I might not be able to cope with treatment.

Also, chances of CIN 2 becoming anything worse in future after treatment?

Hi there! 

I had treatement for suspected CIN 2 last week and whilst i obviously can't advise what you should do I just wanted to pop in and say it was absolutely fine. Not painful at all - in fact they give you local anaesthetic so i literally didn't even know she had done the treatment until she told me, and the entire thing start to finish was probably about 3 minutes. 

I was also super anxious, but I know now I need not have been. I don't know if you would be able to request GA, but i think if you did you would be in the hospital much longer - my entire experience was less than 20 minutes from entering the front door to leaving. 

Hope you are okay xxx 

Hi there,  I had a biopsy taken on 6th Feb and I am waiting for my results. I am hoping it will be CIN 1 or CIN 2 as per the doctors comments but of course you never can tell. I was feeling really overwhelmed and quite honestly, quite unwell and she said it may be easier for me to have a general during the procedure (even with a mask, clearly my face was giving me away - I couldn't even deal with looking at the screen). Worth an ask because it is possible. May I ask how you found out your results, was is a letter? This is week 3 for me and it feels never ending.


All the best



I had LLETZ Treatment for CIN3 earlier this . month and in my opinion it was more bearable than the biospoy. I found the 2 biopsies I ha e had painful and uncomfortable at the time where with the LLETZ the only discomfort was the initial local anestetic which was over quickly especially when you ha e a chatty nurse distracting you! Other than that I felt nothing throughout the procedure

 I hope all goes well for you. 

Hiya, I kept ringing to find out the results. So was told over the phone. The secretary said they usually post results but I was a nervous wreck and receieved a letter about MDT meeting so was panicking.

Hope everything goes well for you xxx

I have a fear of needles so panicking a bit about them prodding me with local anaesthetic rather than just the one for general anaesthetic. Do you think I could ask for GA as they also need to remove polpys from my womb?

Hope you are all okay  now xx

Thank you for replying! Hopefully all goes okay then. Hope you are all okay now. Think its fear of the unknown thats the worst xxx

How did your results turn out? I have cin 2 procedure on April 26

Hi, sorry only just seen this. I also had CIN 2, went under general for LLetz and womb biopsy 3 weeks ago.

Hope your well xx