Advice after Lletz treatment

last August I was diagnosed CIN 3 & GCIN. Had Lletz treatment & a substantial amount of my cervix was removed.

6 months later had my letter to go back for a smear test.  Went to GP but due to horrendous pain & muscle contractions the nurse struggled to get a full sample so results came back inconclusive,  3 months later went for another one, same thing happened.   Got referred to consultant who tried a different position, no pain this time but results have come back inconclusive again.  She did say it might be that ey have to do smear under anesthetic if they keep struggling to get it, not ideal as I'm supposed to be having them every 6 mths for next 5 years.  Anyone else had this & did it get resolved??    Waiting for another appoint with consultant so would like some info before I go.